Here we feature a variety of mental health and wellness practitioners for those who may be looking for help, services or connections.

Colleen Nelson Therapy

Accessible and Relatable therapy for the 21st Century.

Shifting therapy into the 21st Century by providing accessible therapeutic services at your price, on your time, and at your pace.

Located in Fort Collins, CO, Colleen Nelson Therapy provides:

  • one-on-one therapy - calls, video chats, in-person
  • online courses
  • webinars
  • activity sheets
  • meditations
  • podcasts

Colleen Nelson Therapy

Leah Hughes - Dreams Unbound Counseling

There is nothing more rewarding than being on the journey with individuals, families, and their loved ones in the path to heal, grow, and actualize their full potential. It is my belief that my role as a therapist is to empower people and their families tap into their intrinsic abilities to make the changes in the lives to achieve their goals. - Leah Hughes

Located in Denver, Colorado, Dreams Unbound Counseling provides one-on-one therapy and online courses. Areas of expertise include:

  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  • Trauma and Abuse Survivors
  • EMDR
  • Anxiety
  • LGBTQ+ Individuals and Families
  • Polyamory
  • ​Parenting​

Dreams Unbound Counseling

Teresa Lake - Lake Healing Center

Teresa Lake’s career includes 25 years serving in public school education as a teacher and school counselor. During her career in education, Teresa experienced mental states of paralysis, constant physical pain, the inability to sleep, and a diagnosis of having an auto-immune disorder. She felt like she was in a constant state of overwhelm yet the body could not start to heal itself. Modern doctors told her she was just "getting old" and to "work harder".

She started to do simple energy movements and her body started to respond. She now sleeps through the night, has no pain, and is off her thyroid medication --which doctors say you will NEVER stop needing this pill once you start-- and she feels great! So Teresa started the Lake Healing Center in Chandler, AZ to share how she was successful so people, especially teachers, can stop living in constant states of pain, fear, panic, grief, and worry.


  • Clinical Licensed Advanced Practitioner — Donna Eden
  • MA: Counseling/ Education
  • BA: English and Physical Education
  • Certified Yoga Instructor
  • Western Regional Director for Eden Energy Medicine

Lake Healing Center